Little Diamonds Preschool
1. Communication & Language:
When a child approaches 2 years of age he/she should be able to point to pictures in a book when asked to, and point to a few body parts, Also follow one step commands and understand simple questions, Enjoy listening to simple stories and songs or rhymes. This is a stage in which he or she will want the same story, rhyme or game repeated many times.. At the preschool we develop on this and increase confidence by implementing strategies such as: increasing the length of story
time of carefully selected books, role play,
2.Physical Development
At this stage your child has some form of gross and fine motor skills and is beginning to show some awareness of self care. We develop on this by focusing on each area specifically. Fine motor skills are developed to enable a child to start mark making. Gross motor skills are encouraged through the purpose built outdoor area. Self care is enhanced through by effective and efficient methods of potty training.
3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children enter the nursery setting beginning to leave parents more easily and to take care of his/her toiletry needs. Play cooperatively with other children some times. The child is willing to get involved in complicated imaginative play and is developing a sense of humour. Here at diamonds preschool we develop on these skills by welcoming and showing value to children and families. We encourage
A child is able to sit and listen to stories for short periods. Happily repeats words and phrases from familiar stories. Handles books with interest and has some favourite stories, rhymes, poems and jingles. the child is able to distinguish between the different marks they make, and are starting to give meaning to marks as they draw and paint. At diamonds preschool we build on this by increasing story time in order to expand the childs concentration span. The children are given a start to linking sounds to letters and blending words also known as Phonics. The children are encouraged to use vocabulary and forms of speech which are heavily influenced by books.
5. Mathematics
At this stage the children have awareness of number names through rhymes and songs. The children have some understanding of what is existent even when out of sight. We focus on helping the children sequence their knowledge of numbers. Organising and categorising
objects is a key focus. Concepts such as; more than, less than, one more and less are discovered with objects. 2D shapes are explored linking in to the environment and making children aware of space.
6. Understanding the world
At this point children are curious and show interest about themselves and their family. We develop on this by encouraging pretend play where they imitate everyday actions and events. Cultures around the world are explored in a variety of ways. Occupations are discovered at great length to inspire children. The children are exposed to technical equipment such as; CD players, remote control, etc.
7. Expressive arts design
At this stage children are starting to explore and experiment with a range of media through sensory exploration and using whole body. At Diamonds preschool children are happy to sing and dance, still trying to build their confidence. We continually encourage them to explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques while experimenting with colour design and texture. We also encourage the children to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through dance, design & technology, art, music, role play and stories.
50 Chalvey Rd East,
(Slough Bowls Club)
Slough, UK
+44 7944138407